Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Forgotten" - Cat Patrick

I remember forwards.
I remember forwards, and forger backwards.
My memories, bad, boring or good, haven't happened yet.

So I will remember standing in the fresh-cut grass with the black-clad figures surrounded by stone until I do it for real. I will remember the funeral until it happens - until someone dies. 
And after that, it will be forgotten.

Here's the thing about me:
I can see my future, but my past is blank.

I see the future in flashes, like memories.

I remember what I'll wear tomorrow, and a car crash that won't happen till this afternoon. But yesterday has evaporated from my mind - just like the boy I love. I can't see him in my future. I can't remember him from my past. But today, I love him. And I never want to forget how much.

Ootasin raamatu tagakaane järgi natuke midagi rohkemat kui raamat tegelikult sisaldas ja minu jaoks jäi raamat lõpust kuidagi poolikuks. Aga muidu nii 50/50 raaamat. Idee on 5+, teostus nii 3+. Aga väärt lugemist vast ikkagi. Ja kuskilt kuulsin, et võibolla(?) on sellele raamatule järg ka olemas, pole kindel aga üritan välja selgitada.

PS: Pole kaua aega bloginud siia... Mitte sellepärast, et raaamatuid poleks lugenud aga lihtsalt pole aega olnud ja viitsimist neid kõiki siia üles kirjutada/jutustada, sorri! Aga üritan hoolikam olla ja blogimise ja raamatute jaoks rohkem aega võtta. :)


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