Saturday, September 15, 2012

"A swift pure cry" - Siobhan Dowd

"Life has been hard for Shell since the death of her mam. Her dad has given up work and turned his back on reality, leaving Shell to care for her brother and sister. When she can, she spends time with her best friend Birdie and the charming, persuasive Declan, sharing cigarettes and irreverent jokes.

Shell is drawn to the kindness of Father Rose, a young priest, but soon finds herself the centre of an escalating scandal that rocks the small Irish community to its foundations. 

This magnificent debut novel was inspired by a true story."

Alguses ei läinud see raaamat üldse kuidagi peale. Aga kuskilt poolepealt hakkas jälle meeldima ja läks huvitavaks. Kõige rohkem paelus selle raamatu juures see, et see on tõesti sündinud loo põhjal kirjutatud. Hämmastav aga samas kurb.


Friday, September 14, 2012

"Ghost children" - Sue Townsend

"Seventeen years ago, Angela Carr aborted an unwanted child. The child's father, Christopher Moore, was devastated by the loss and he retreated from the world. Unable to accept what had happened between them, both went their separate ways.
However, when Christopher makes a horrifying discovery whilst out walking his dog on the heath, he finds that he is compelled to confront Angela about the past. As they start seeing each other again, can they avoid the mistakes of the past? And will their future together be eclipsed by those mistakes of yesterday?"

Alguses üldse ei meeldinud, poole raamatu pealt hakkas natukene meeldima. Ühesõnaga pole just see kõige kirkaim kriit "raamat" karbis. Ning enamus peatükid ajasid mind lihtsalt oma lolluse ja idiootsusega vihaseks. Sõna otseses mõttes. Polnud üldse nii hea raamat kui tagakaane kirjelduse järgi oleks võinud loota.