Saturday, December 29, 2012

"The five people you meet in Heaven" - Mitch Albom

"All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time...

On his eighty-third birthday, Eddie, a lonely war veteran, dies in a tragic accident trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. With his final breath, he feels two small hands in his - and then nothing. He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden but a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people who were in it. These people may have been loved ones or distant strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever." 

Võrratu-võrratu-võrratu raamat! Mitte midagi muud ei oskagi selle kohta öelda. Seda raamatut võiks isegi veel üks-kaks-kolm korda lugeda...


"The Boy in the Olive Grove" - Fleur Beale

"Bess' mysterious past lives are intruding into her everyday life with disastrous results. But along with the turmoil comes something very special - the promise of love between the boy in the olive grove and the girl who might just be Bess. Fleur Beale weaves fantasy and reality together to create this riveting story of one girl sorting out the complexities of her life."

See raamat sisaldas jällegi rohkem kui ma algselt ootasin, oletasin et tegemist on jälle mingisuguse lihtsalt tavalise armastuslooga. Ei olnud, midagi hoopis uut ja huvtitavat ja teistsugust. Ja terve lugu ei keerlenud (ÕNNEKS) lihtsalt mingisuguse poisi ümber. 5+


"Forgotten" - Cat Patrick

I remember forwards.
I remember forwards, and forger backwards.
My memories, bad, boring or good, haven't happened yet.

So I will remember standing in the fresh-cut grass with the black-clad figures surrounded by stone until I do it for real. I will remember the funeral until it happens - until someone dies. 
And after that, it will be forgotten.

Here's the thing about me:
I can see my future, but my past is blank.

I see the future in flashes, like memories.

I remember what I'll wear tomorrow, and a car crash that won't happen till this afternoon. But yesterday has evaporated from my mind - just like the boy I love. I can't see him in my future. I can't remember him from my past. But today, I love him. And I never want to forget how much.

Ootasin raamatu tagakaane järgi natuke midagi rohkemat kui raamat tegelikult sisaldas ja minu jaoks jäi raamat lõpust kuidagi poolikuks. Aga muidu nii 50/50 raaamat. Idee on 5+, teostus nii 3+. Aga väärt lugemist vast ikkagi. Ja kuskilt kuulsin, et võibolla(?) on sellele raamatule järg ka olemas, pole kindel aga üritan välja selgitada.

PS: Pole kaua aega bloginud siia... Mitte sellepärast, et raaamatuid poleks lugenud aga lihtsalt pole aega olnud ja viitsimist neid kõiki siia üles kirjutada/jutustada, sorri! Aga üritan hoolikam olla ja blogimise ja raamatute jaoks rohkem aega võtta. :)